
5 lessons for Toddler Friendly Cities
From over five decades of working with partners in cities we’ve learned 5 valuable lessons about planning and designing cities with babies,…
Introducing the AirBeam Swap – an Urban95 initiative
Join the first ever Urban95 air quality data collection campaign and be part of a community to increase awareness on the importance…
think-cell is an add-in for Microsoft Office that enhances chart creation in PowerPoint and Excel. Even complex charts, such as Marimekkos, waterfalls…
City Hall Embraces Early Childhood Development: Reaching an Underserved Population in Tel Aviv, 2016–2019
Governing from a Child’s Perspective: Recife, Brazil, Works to Become Family Friendly, 2017–2019
Reducing Inequality by Focusing on the Very Young: Boa Vista, Brazil, Deepens its Investment in Early Childhood Development, 2009–2016
Reconstructing a city in the interests of its children: Tirana, Albania, 2015–2019
Erion Veliaj is the first mayor of Tirana, Albania, to be elected primarily by those born after communism. In 2015 he took…
Urban95 workshop materials
On this page you can find an overview of available Urban95 workshop materials.
Urban95 individual idea PDF’s
On this page you can find every Urban95 idea in an individual print-out/pdf format.
Urban95 flash cards
A flash card for each Urban95 idea. Ideal for an informal lunch, or to organise a workshop. They could be used to…
The need to have a legal framework for the early years
Osmar Terra is a political leader in early childhood in Brazil. A paediatrician, he is now President of the Parliamentary Front for…
Defining a right to integrated early childhood development in India
Meeting a child’s right to education involves recognising that learning begins early and is inextricably linked to health and nutrition. In this…