Apolitical launches newsfeed on early childhood policy
Apolitical has launched its ‘early childhood global policy topic’, a newsfeed dedicated to early childhood policy on their global peer-to-peer platform, with…
Get Ready for Data! A Tool to Guide Data Use
This toolkit is designed to support city officials and early years practitioners who collect, share and use data to make practical decisions.
The Need to Double Down
Read Michael Feigelson and Elvira Thissen’s contribution to ‘Finding, Funding, and Scaling’ winter supplement of the Stanford Social Innovation Review, writing about The…
Walking the city at 95cm high
During the week of October 15th, the city of Bogotá was host to the urban walkability event Walk21. It included a series…
Locals start work on a children’s park in Lima
Two days of “public space production” have taken place in the neighbourhood of Bella Vista as part of the Urban95 programme in…
Analysing Copenhagen public space at the ‘Cities for Young Children’ Study Tour
The Cities for Young Children Study Tour, led by Gehl Architects and Gehl Institute for The Bernard van Leer Foundation, gathered teams…
Measuring Urban Experiences of Young Children
This toolkit was designed to measure how young children and their caregivers interact with and use public space.
How to bridge the gap between pilot and policy? – highlights from the Istanbul95 ‘Urban Playspaces Conference’
On 21-22 September 2018, artists, politicians, architects, and academics got together to discuss how to make space for children to play in…
New basket of parenting services being piloted in six community centres in Tel Aviv
For the first time, the municipality of Tel Aviv is offering a basket of services to support pregnant mothers and parents of…
Israel’s lawmakers take responsibility for supervising childcare providers
History was made yesterday when the BvLF-supported Coalition for Education from Birth succeeded in pressuring lawmakers in Israel’s Knesset to pass a…
What Johannesburg could look like for parents and children
We live in Orange Grove in Johannesburg, where the sound of charismatic Ethiopian churches on Louis Botha Avenue mixes with the incessant…
Research report
Playing It Safe? A Global White Paper on Risk, Liability and Children’s Play in Public Space
This paper looks at risk and liability in relation to children’s play, offering actionable recommendations for playground and public space initiatives.