Children of the World: Meet Talison in Brazil
Meet four-year-old Talison and be moved by the life of an Afro-Brazilian family of dancers.
Children of the World: Meet Yvette in the Netherlands
Meet three-year-old Yvette and follow the journey of a Syrian family now living in a small Dutch town.
Children of the World: Meet Prisca in Côte d’Ivoire
Meet five-year-old Prisca and learn about her life in Côte d’Ivoire, where her family work on a cocoa plantation.
Children of the World
This book series offers a glimpse into the early years of children in six countries around the world.
Game as a Tool – Good Urban Planning Practices for the Early Childhood
A game that aims to get players involved in planning find solutions to problems associated with early childhood.
Early Years Starter Kit
This toolkit combines extensive ideas and guidance for taking early years action at the municipal and national level.
Management case studies
By Design Part Two: The Thinking Behind Uruguay Crece Contigo
This case study continues to explore the differences in policymaking decisions around early childhood between Uruguay and Chile.
Management case studies
By Design Part One: The Thinking Behind Uruguay Crece Contigo
This case study begins a comparative analysis of early childhood programming in Uruguay and Chile.
Early Childhood Matters
Early Childhood Matters 2020
This edition gathers global leaders and experts calling for prioritisation of young children, families and frontline workers amid COVID-19.
Research report
Early Childhood Education Frameworks in Israel: International Comparison
This report compares early childhood education and care services in Israel with other countries in the OECD.
Cities for Play and Sitting: A Shift in Perspective to Public Space
This report presents a step-by-step process of intervention in the public space in the cities of Griesheim and Brühl.
5 key takeaways from the Urban95 Festival
On December 2, 2019, over seventy city leaders, planners, designers and thinkers from around the world committed to making cities better for…