
Corporate Publications
Annual Report 2018
This report illustrates our impact in 2018, capturing what we achieved and what we learnt.
Analysing Copenhagen public space at the ‘Cities for Young Children’ Study Tour
The Cities for Young Children Study Tour, led by Gehl Architects and Gehl Institute for The Bernard van Leer Foundation, gathered teams…
Urban95 partnership launches in Boa Vista, Brazil
Teresa Surita, the mayor of Boa Vista, has publicly launched our Urban95 partnership in the city. You can read more about the…
Early Childhood Matters
Early Childhood Matters 2018
This edition features high-level contributions on innovations, the path to scale, and emerging initiatives in early childhood development.
Urban95 in Tel Aviv: a perspective from Latin America
Urban95 fits well in Tel Aviv. As stated in his welcoming speech by Mr. Menachem Lieba, Director General of the municipal government,…
Corporate Publications
Annual Report 2017
This report illustrates our impact in 2017, capturing what we achieved and what we learnt.
Latin American city leaders discuss Urban95 for Harvard course
The Executive Leadership Course in Early Childhood Development will run for its seventh edition at Harvard University this year. Ten representatives from…
Oasis Game in Brazil sheds light on children’s vulnerable situation
“We want to take care of the toy library, we need adults to trust us, everywhere we go there is an adult…
Research report
How Dashboards Can Help Cities Improve Early Childhood Development
This report explores how data dashboards could help guide city leaders and their teams to make better policy decisions about early childhood…
Early Childhood Development and the Future of Latin America
The early childhood development agenda just received a major boost in Latin America. On November 15 and 16, the First Latin American…
Research report
Building Better Cities with Young Children and Families
This publication offers strategies, principles, and best practices on how to engage our youngest citizens and families in city building.
How cities can use dashboards to make better decisions about early childhood
One of the tools used by cities as they collect more data is a “dashboard”: a tool for collating and sharing data…