
Corporate Publications
Annual Report 2019
This report illustrates our impact in 2019, capturing what we achieved and what we learnt.
Video from India’s Ministry of Health on the first 1000 days
With the Foundation’s support, India’s Ministry of Health and Family Welfare rolled out a video on the importance of the first 1000…
Creative street art marks first Urban95 project in Udaipur
Urban95 held its first intervention in Udaipur, India, from October 18 to 23 as part of the city’s Road Safety Week. The…
Young Explorers: Film Series
This unique series filmed at 95cm brings you into the journeys of toddlers and their caregivers as they walk through their hometowns…
Urban95 launches in Udaipur
The Urban95 initiative has formally launched in Udaipur at an event hosted by ICLEI South Asia. Udaipur Urban95 is a result of…
Early Childhood Matters
Early Childhood Matters 2019
This edition covers a diversity of topics relevant for young children and their caregivers, from nutrition to street design to mobile technology.
Infant, Toddler, Caregiver-Friendly Neighbourhood (ITCN) Resources
This collection of five publications is a vital resource for smart cities in India to create infant, toddler and caregiver-friendly neighbourhoods.
ITCN Best Practices
Discover 30 visual examples of successful projects contributing to infant, toddler and caregiver-friendly neighbourhoods.
ITCN Evaluation and Monitoring Metrics
This publication is a guide to evaluation metrics, to assess progress toward infant, toddler and caregiver-friendly neighbourhoods.
Policy brief
ITCN Policy Workbook
This policy workbook establishes a connection between the design guidelines and policymaking to support city leaders in effective implementation.
ITCN Policy Framework
This policy framework establishes the importance of infant, toddler and caregiver-friendly neighbourhoods, and outlines their objectives.
The first of many smart and child friendly cities in India
When India’s “smart cities” mission announced its ranking of applicants for support in 2016, Bhubaneswar – the capital of the Indian state of…