
Corporate Publications
Annual Report 2016
This report illustrates our impact in 2016, capturing what we achieved and what we learnt.
INFANT – Children as agents of change
This video showcases the work of our partner INFANT in Peru. INFANT helps children to amplify their voices in campaigning for a…
Q & A
Interview Gabriel: children’s rights, a law to ban physical punishment, and becoming president
On 10 December 2015, Peru became the ninth Latin American country to pass a law against any kind of physical or humiliating…
Corporate Publications
Annual Report 2015
This report illustrates our impact in 2015, capturing what we achieved and what we learnt.
Helping children and families “Reach Up”: a new training package to support parents
There has been substantial progress in universal primary education since the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) were established in 2000. Globally, the numbers…
Early Childhood Matters
A good start: advances in early childhood development
A special issue to mark the 50th anniversary of the Bernard van Leer Foundation’s first grant in early childhood, this edition of…
Putting the ‘Personal’ back into Parenting
When I started working at the Foundation a year ago, my first task was to assist in the preparation of the publication…
Peru: the ‘Infobarómetro de la Primera Infancia’ now shows data on young children per region
The Infobarómetro de la Primera Infancia (a tool to access data on the situation of young children in Peru, created by Salgalú…
Early Childhood Matters
Responsive Parenting: A Strategy to Prevent Violence
This edition of Early Childhood Matters addresses responsive parenting and its potential to reduce the incidence of violence against young children.
Early Childhood Matters
Learning Begins Early
By the time most kids start preschool, aged around 3, the most important building blocks for learning have already been put in…
Early Childhood Matters
Early learning: Lessons from scaling up
This edition of Early Childhood Matters looks at the question of how to scale up early learning provision without sacrificing quality. Articles…
Early Childhood Matters
Hidden violence: Protecting young children at home
Violence against young children is often hidden from view when it takes place in the home and the family. Articles in this…