
Early Childhood Matters
Early Childhood Matters 2019
This edition covers a diversity of topics relevant for young children and their caregivers, from nutrition to street design to mobile technology.
Research report
Informing Design and Implementation for Early Childhood Development Programmes
This series of research papers serves to guide policymakers and programmers in the design and implementation of ECD initiatives.
The Need to Double Down
Read Michael Feigelson and Elvira Thissen’s contribution to ‘Finding, Funding, and Scaling’ winter supplement of the Stanford Social Innovation Review, writing about The…
Historical cases
Violence, Breaking the Cycle
How El Salvador, one of the world’s most dangerous nations, stops brutality from spreading.
Research report
Emerging Early Childhood Inequality: 2018 Report
This paper investigates the relationship between poverty, sensory stimulation, child development and educational achievement in Israel.
Towards nurturing care so all children thrive: Introducing Early Childhood Matters 2018
With the publication of Early Childhood Matters this week, we celebrate the importance of nurturing care and call upon world leaders everywhere…
Early Childhood Matters
Early Childhood Matters 2017
This edition showcases innovation in early childhood development, bringing fresh ideas and exploring what it takes to bring them to scale.
Early Childhood Matters
Early Childhood Matters 2016
This edition examines a variety of issues in early childhood development, from scaling up the workforce to innovative financing.