
The children’s priority zone debuts in Bogotá
In 2017, we launched a new Urban95 partnership with Bogotá and Bloomberg Associates. Out of this collaboration came the concept of a…
The first of many smart and child friendly cities in India
When India’s “smart cities” mission announced its ranking of applicants for support in 2016, Bhubaneswar – the capital of the Indian state of…
Pilot for Syrian refugees wins US$100m grant
In 2017, the MacArthur Foundation awarded a USD 100 million grant to Sesame Workshop and the IRC for joint work in Syria,…
Corporate Publications
Annual Report 2018
This report illustrates our impact in 2018, capturing what we achieved and what we learnt.
Research report
Informing Design and Implementation for Early Childhood Development Programmes
This series of research papers serves to guide policymakers and programmers in the design and implementation of ECD initiatives.
ITCN Design Guidelines
These design guidelines build on the policy framework by offering tangible implementation guidance on infant, toddler and caregiver-friendly neighbourhood features.
The Need to Double Down
Read Michael Feigelson and Elvira Thissen’s contribution to ‘Finding, Funding, and Scaling’ winter supplement of the Stanford Social Innovation Review, writing about The…
How to bridge the gap between pilot and policy? – highlights from the Istanbul95 ‘Urban Playspaces Conference’
On 21-22 September 2018, artists, politicians, architects, and academics got together to discuss how to make space for children to play in…
Historical Cases
This collection of six historical case studies captures in-country impact stories from 70 years of experience.
Historical cases
Roots of Change
How a Guatemalan grassroots women’s organisation creates holistic child-centred communities, one neighbourhood at a time.
Towards nurturing care so all children thrive: Introducing Early Childhood Matters 2018
With the publication of Early Childhood Matters this week, we celebrate the importance of nurturing care and call upon world leaders everywhere…
Early Childhood Matters
Early Childhood Matters 2018
This edition features high-level contributions on innovations, the path to scale, and emerging initiatives in early childhood development.