Last updated 1st May, 2020
For babies and toddlers, play and love are as important as food, and for all of us, staying mentally healthy during this period of physical distancing can be difficult.
We are curating a variety of ideas and resources for people caring for babies and toddlers, and for programs that are seeking to adapt the way they support families during this time of Covid-19.
All materials are in English unless otherwise stated.
If you would like to share a resource for caregivers or programs caring for young children, please email Rachel Leung at or share it on Twitter or Facebook with the hashtags #toddlinginside, #indoormentalhealth or #mentalhealth4parents.
Resources Covering Multiple Topics
Actividades e Información por Covid19 (Español)
Resources, support and downloadable story books during Covid-19 by Chile’s national early childhood programme, Chile Crece Contigo (Chile Grows With You).
COVID-19 Resources
Activities, resources for child care providers, health care and medical information, and guidance for parents and caregivers compiled by Center on the Developing Child, Harvard University.
Early childhood focused COVID-19 resources
An early childhood focused curation of resources for parents, caregivers and practitioners by organisations such as WHO, UNICEF and The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action.
Caring for Babies and Toddlers
Q&A on COVID-19, pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding
Answers to commonly asked questions, produced by WHO.
Coronavirus Infection and pregnancy
In-depth information and general advice on subjects such as attending antenatal care appointments during the coronavirus pandemic and childbirth choices. Produced by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, Royal College of Midwifes.
For all new parents out there
Tips on bonding with your newborn during this time, from Certified EFT Therapist Diana Eidelman.
Tools and resources
Practical tips, including printable info cards and posters in 16 languages.
Indoor Play
Inspiratieblog: Tips voor thuis spelen en leren (Nederlands)
Tips for playing and learning at home for caregivers with older toddlers, by Kleuter Universiteit.
15 audiocuentos para niños (Español)
15 free audio stories for children, from Unión Radio.
Yoga videos created especially for young children (also available in Español
Free online yoga sessions by Cosmic Kids Yoga.
At-Home Activity Guide
Ways to play with toddlers that encourage healthy development, by Zero To Three.
13 Ways to Make the Most Out of Video Chat With Kids
Fun ways to engage your toddler with the person on the other end of the video chat, by PBS KIDS.
Staying Connected While Separated From Your Young Child
Ideas to keep the parent-child strong despite being physically apart, by Zero To Three.
Caring For Each Other
‘Learn together’ videos, printable pages, eBooks and many other resources specially produced for this period during Covid-19, by Sesame Street.
Play in the Time of Coronavirus
Ideas for indoor play from UK-based play experts Tim Gill and Penny Wilson.
Time to talk, play and create: Supporting children’s learning at home
Tips based on research for supporting young children’s learning through interactive and fun activities while families shelter in place at home, by developmental psychologist Helen Shwe Hadani, for Brookings.
GPR4ECE toolkit
A printable picture book, games and puzzles for playing at home, that challenge gender stereotypes, by VVOB.
Vroom tips for interacting with your little one
Science-based tips for interacting with your little one around the home, by Vroom.
Early Years At-Home Activities
Fun ideas and suggestions of at-home activities that encourage creativity, imagination and play in little ones aged 2-4, by The Ark.
10 Free, Mess-free Activities for Toddlers
Simple, tactile play ideas by family and lifestyle blog CubKit.
Over 30 Virtual Field Trips
Links to virtual field trips to zoos, farms and other locations, compiled by a Mrs. Fahrney.
Sensing, Moving and Growing
31 pages of fun activities for children at home, including sensory play, and games to challenge their coordination and balance, by Ezer Mizion.
Emotional and Mental Health
Resources for Supporting Children’s Emotional Well-being during the COVID-19 Pandemic (also available in Español)
Summarised recommendations for promoting the emotional well-being of children in the face of adversity and a list of helpful resources, by Child Trends.
How to Talk to your Child about Coronavirus
8 tips, produced by UNICEF
Helping Children Cope with Stress During the 2019 n-Cov Outbreak
A print-friendly one-pager of advice by WHO.
Supporting Kids during the Coronavirus
Tips for nurturing and protecting kids at home, by Child Mind Institute.
Answering your Young Child’s Questions about Coronavirus
Age-appropriate responses to common questions a toddler might have, by Zero To Three.
Relaxation Scripts for Young Children
Relaxation exercises especially for two to five year olds, by the University of Washington.
Caring for Caregiver Mental Health
How to Avoid Passing on Anxiety to your Kids (also available in Español)
Techniques to handle stress in a healthy way, by Child Mind Institute.
Self-Care in the Time of Coronavirus (also available in Español)
Tips from clinicians for parents to ensure they are also taking care of themselves, by Child Mind Institute.
Tips for parenting during the coronavirus outbreak
An article with 6 tips, produced by UNICEF.
Covid-19 advice for healthy parenting
6 print-friendly one-pagers of tips to help parents interact with their children during this period of confinement, available in over thirty languages, by WHO.
How you and Your Kids Can De-stress During Coronavirus
A practical article published on PBS kids.
A Guide to Working with Kids at Home
Guidance on providing some daily learning opportunities for young children, and suggestions for creating routines during the day when all the adults in the household have to work from home.
Grandparenting in the time of Covid-19
Suggestions on how to stay connected with grandchildren and children, by Harvard Health.
Surviving School Closures in the wake of COVID-19
Tips for coping with preschool closures, by Working Parenting.
Adapting Programs in Response to Covid-19
WASH and infection prevention and control in health-care facilities
A PDF of key actions that staff can implement to help prevent infection and its spread in health-care facilities, produced by UNICEF.
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): Key tips and discussion points for community workers and volunteers
Tips for community engagement and providing timely and actionable health information so that people know how to protect themselves and reduce the risks associated with Covid-19.
Child protection related materials during Covid-19
Resources for professionals adapting programmes in response to Covid-19, supporting and protecting communities and professionals, by Terre des hommes.
Using telehealth for family home visiting services during Covid-19
Examples of using electronic information and telecommunication technologies to continue to support families during this period of physical distancing, by Child Trends.