
Finding the time to play outdoors
The evidence is clear: outdoor play supports children’s socio-emotional, cognitive and physical development, especially during the first 1,000 days. It establishes positive…
São Paulo families get new play spaces and safer roads
In two areas of São Paulo – Jardim Lapena and São Rafael – young children and caregivers are enjoying renovated public areas…
Urban95: Management Case Studies
This collection of seven case studies from Princeton University documents how municipalities have prioritised their youngest residents through Urban95.
How cities can create “Naturalised Parks” – a guide from Brazil
Creating more green play spaces is a win-win for cities, benefiting both children’s development and cities’ adaptation to climate change. The Alana…
Guides to Developing Early Childhood Friendly Neighbourhoods (BAPIs)
Four publications that make up the set of guides for the development of Early Childhood Friendly Neighbourhoods (BAPIs).
Why playgrounds should be part of all refugee shelters
The Bernard van Leer Foundation partnered with UNHCR – the United Nations refugee agency – and AVSI Brasil (Associação Voluntários para o…
Brazil’s Urban95 Network gathers in the ‘Capital of Early Childhood’ Boa Vista
After almost two years of collective action and numerous virtual exchanges, representatives from 23 of the 24 cities that make up the…
A month of early childhood in Brazil raises public awareness on the importance of the early years
Brazil’s first-ever “early years month”, in August 2021, started with messages projected onto the National Congress in the nation’s capital, Brasília. Over…
Home visiting services scale up in Brazil
Criança Feliz was set up by the Ministry of Citizenship (then known as the Ministry of Social Development) with support from the…
“Baby library” project opens in Recife
The Brazilian city of Recife has opened three new “Bebetecas” – baby libraries, containing books, toys and materials to stimulate the creativity…
Advocacy: Management Case Studies
This collection of five case studies from RAND Europe sheds light on the power of advocacy for early childhood.
Children of the World: Meet Talison in Brazil
Meet four-year-old Talison and be moved by the life of an Afro-Brazilian family of dancers.