Data dashboards help cities to understand the development needs of various population segments, identifying gaps in infrastructure and social facilities, assessing progress in meeting the aspirations of the people, and promoting learning in a transparent and accountable manner. Cities can benefit greatly from bringing the data together in one place and making it available to various city stakeholders including the state departments and city agencies.
For more information on creating an ITC centric database, refer to the first toolkit in the series: ‘Toolkit for creating Data Baseline for Young Children in Cities’.
Representing the key data points through an easy to consume dashboard for the city officials ensures that Infants, Toddlers and Caregivers (ITC) centric initiatives are monitored and sustained.
This toolkit was undertaken on behalf of the Foundation by The National Institute of Urban Affairs, under the Infant, Toddler and Caregiver-Friendly Neighbourhoods (ITCN) Capacity Building Programme.