Monitoring & Evaluation
Infant, Toddler, Caregiver-Friendly Neighbourhood (ITCN) Resources
This collection of five publications is a vital resource for smart cities in India to create infant, toddler and caregiver-friendly neighbourhoods.
ITCN Evaluation and Monitoring Metrics
This publication is a guide to evaluation metrics, to assess progress toward infant, toddler and caregiver-friendly neighbourhoods.
Corporate Publications
Annual Report 2018
This report illustrates our impact in 2018, capturing what we achieved and what we learnt.
Research report
Informing Design and Implementation for Early Childhood Development Programmes
This series of research papers serves to guide policymakers and programmers in the design and implementation of ECD initiatives.
Get Ready for Data! A Tool to Guide Data Use
This toolkit is designed to support city officials and early years practitioners who collect, share and use data to make practical decisions.
Measuring Urban Experiences of Young Children
This toolkit was designed to measure how young children and their caregivers interact with and use public space.
Historical Cases
This collection of six historical case studies captures in-country impact stories from 70 years of experience.
Towards nurturing care so all children thrive: Introducing Early Childhood Matters 2018
With the publication of Early Childhood Matters this week, we celebrate the importance of nurturing care and call upon world leaders everywhere…
Corporate Publications
Annual Report 2017
This report illustrates our impact in 2017, capturing what we achieved and what we learnt.
Research report
How Dashboards Can Help Cities Improve Early Childhood Development
This report explores how data dashboards could help guide city leaders and their teams to make better policy decisions about early childhood…
How cities can use dashboards to make better decisions about early childhood
One of the tools used by cities as they collect more data is a “dashboard”: a tool for collating and sharing data…
Early Childhood Matters
Early Childhood Matters 2017
This edition showcases innovation in early childhood development, bringing fresh ideas and exploring what it takes to bring them to scale.