
Early Childhood Matters
Early Childhood Matters 2019
This edition covers a diversity of topics relevant for young children and their caregivers, from nutrition to street design to mobile technology.
How an international expert can inject inspiration: Patricia Kuhl visits Israel
It’s one thing to read about new developments in brain science and what they mean for how we should support parents. It’s…
Dart course for journalists spearheads media outreach
Representing a range of local and national print, online, radio and television media, 45 journalists from 26 countries gathered at Columbia University’s…
Research report
Informing Design and Implementation for Early Childhood Development Programmes
This series of research papers serves to guide policymakers and programmers in the design and implementation of ECD initiatives.
Get Ready for Data! A Tool to Guide Data Use
This toolkit is designed to support city officials and early years practitioners who collect, share and use data to make practical decisions.
Historical cases
Behind the Scenes
From universities to state schools: the Bernard van Leer Foundation’s far-reaching impact on learning in El Salvador.
Historical Cases
This collection of six historical case studies captures in-country impact stories from 70 years of experience.
Research report
Emerging Early Childhood Inequality: 2018 Report
This paper investigates the relationship between poverty, sensory stimulation, child development and educational achievement in Israel.
Towards nurturing care so all children thrive: Introducing Early Childhood Matters 2018
With the publication of Early Childhood Matters this week, we celebrate the importance of nurturing care and call upon world leaders everywhere…
Historical cases
Building on Islamic Values
How early childhood education became a national priority in Morocco that transformed attitudes and systems around preschool education.
Let’s hear it from the children: How engaging young children, parents and caregivers in city building means creating better cities for all
Think about your city. What if the needs of young children and their caregivers were prioritised (not just considered) in city decision…
Research report
Building Better Cities with Young Children and Families
This publication offers strategies, principles, and best practices on how to engage our youngest citizens and families in city building.