The Netherlands

Charlotte Davidi
Early Childhood Matters
Early Childhood Matters 2022
This edition explores why behavioural science can and should be rooted in all areas of caregiving.
Netherlands campaign aims to activate social networks around new parents
Come round with a hot meal, offer to take a baby’s older siblings out to the playground for an hour, or simply…
Tim Otto
Blanca Rey Ariza
Finding the time to play outdoors
The evidence is clear: outdoor play supports children’s socio-emotional, cognitive and physical development, especially during the first 1,000 days. It establishes positive…
Darja Dobermann
Online learning exchange “Starting Strong”: Latest scientific insights on why and how we should invest in the early years
Why is investing in the early years – and especially the first 1,000 days – so important? It was with great pleasure…
Urban95: Management Case Studies
This collection of seven case studies from Princeton University documents how municipalities have prioritised their youngest residents through Urban95.
Management case studies
A Solid Start for Every Child: The Netherlands Integrates Medical and Social Care, 2009−2022
This case study looks at how Solid Start scaled up from a small partnership into a national programme.
How going online improved midwife and peer support for Eritrean refugee women
Vulnerable migrant groups in the Netherlands have higher-than-average rates of pregnancy and birth-related complications and maternal and infant mortality. Centering Pregnancy offers…
Michael Feigelson