To protect children’s rights and promote their development, quality in early childhood settings is essential. Across the global early childhood community, there is consensus that quality is both immensely important and unfortunately, not adequately ensured. Reflecting the broad support for attention to quality, ISSA, UNICEF, UNESCO and the Bernard van Leer Foundation, in partnership with the World Bank and the Brookings Institution, joined forces to call attention to the importance of measuring and improving quality in early childhood environments.
The International Consultation brought together early childhood experts and stakeholders representing different regions of the world, who have experience in the measurement and improvement of quality of early years services. The meeting aimed to identify points of consensus in measuring quality and future directions for increasing the strength, innovation and cultural applicability of quality measurement.
The meeting provided a venue for the participants to take stock of new ideas in measuring early childhood quality and to explore setting up a global network around the issue of quality in early childhood settings and systems.