HomeKnowledge LibraryThe Early Years: Malnutrition
HomeKnowledge LibraryThe Early Years: Malnutrition

The Early Years: Malnutrition

This policy brief explains how early malnutrition leads to lifelong issues, both individual and collective, and what policymakers need to do.

One in three children under five are undernourished or overweight globally. This has a dramatic impact on their brain development, long-term health and future eating habits. Malnutrition is complex and requires comprehensive action.

Many countries and institutions are scaling promising interventions with the support of the Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) movement, a collaboration of 61 countries and four Indian states, along with businesses, UN agencies and international donors.

We produced this policy brief as part of a series that compiles all the need-to-know information on the early years.

The Early Years: Policy Briefs

This collection of eight policy briefs explains some of the greatest challenges facing young children around the world.

Learn more