Integrated Services
Management case studies
Seizing Opportunities, Strengthening Synergies: Lima Frames a Collective Strategy to Advance Early Childhood Development, 2019–2021
This case study illustrates how the Mayor of Lima led an ambitious effort to advance early childhood development.
Early Years Starter Kit
This toolkit combines extensive ideas and guidance for taking early years action at the municipal and national level.
Early Childhood Programmes: Management Case Studies
This collection of six case studies from the Harvard Kennedy School shares lessons on how to scale early childhood programmes.
Management case studies
By Design Part Two: The Thinking Behind Uruguay Crece Contigo
This case study continues to explore the differences in policymaking decisions around early childhood between Uruguay and Chile.
Management case studies
Cuna Más Part Two: Peru’s Home Visiting Programme Evolves into a Comprehensive Early Childhood Development Strategy
This case study zooms into policymaking in Peru and what it takes to develop a multisectoral early childhood strategy.
Management case studies
By Design Part One: The Thinking Behind Uruguay Crece Contigo
This case study begins a comparative analysis of early childhood programming in Uruguay and Chile.
Corporate Publications
Annual Report 2020
This report illustrates our impact in 2020, capturing what we achieved and what we learnt.
Support women for better early childhood development outcomes
Psychoanalyst Donald Winnicott once said: “There is no such thing as a baby… There is a baby and someone.” What he meant…
Management case studies
Bridging the Divide: Coalition Building for Early Childhood Development in Istanbul, 2016–2020
This case study explores how principles of early childhood development are becoming embedded in Turkish local government.
Early Childhood Matters
Early Childhood Matters 2020
This edition gathers global leaders and experts calling for prioritisation of young children, families and frontline workers amid COVID-19.
Cities for Play and Sitting: A Shift in Perspective to Public Space
This report presents a step-by-step process of intervention in the public space in the cities of Griesheim and Brühl.
Corporate Publications
Annual Report 2019
This report illustrates our impact in 2019, capturing what we achieved and what we learnt.