
Towards nurturing care so all children thrive: Introducing Early Childhood Matters 2018
With the publication of Early Childhood Matters this week, we celebrate the importance of nurturing care and call upon world leaders everywhere…
Early Childhood Matters
Early Childhood Matters 2017
This edition showcases innovation in early childhood development, bringing fresh ideas and exploring what it takes to bring them to scale.
The Beginning of Life documentary
Available on Netflix and other platforms, and in multiple languages, the documentary The Beginning of Life (O Começo da Vida) emotionally brings…
How we made the documentary ‘The Beginning of Life’
I’m part of a team of filmmakers who believe in the power of films to transform the world. With that mission, we…
Early Childhood Matters
Responsive Parenting: A Strategy to Prevent Violence
This edition of Early Childhood Matters addresses responsive parenting and its potential to reduce the incidence of violence against young children.
Early Childhood Matters
Learning Begins Early
By the time most kids start preschool, aged around 3, the most important building blocks for learning have already been put in…
Early Childhood in Focus
Early Childhood in Focus: Developing Brains
This seventh edition in the series introduces the language and world of neuroscience and developmental psychology.
Early Childhood in Focus
Early Childhood in Focus: Attachment Relationships
This first edition in the series focuses on attachment relationships and the quality of care for young children.