
Corporate Publications
Annual Report 2020
This report illustrates our impact in 2020, capturing what we achieved and what we learnt.
10 design elements help women to make informed breastfeeding decisions
The World Health Organization advises mothers to exclusively breastfeed their newborn babies for at least 6 months. In the Netherlands, a recent…
Policy brief
Supporting Urban Childhoods: Istanbul Policy Brief
This policy brief documents the state of child-friendly policymaking for Istanbul’s children, based on the research conducted on supporting urban childhoods in…
Supporting Urban Childhoods: A Girl’s Day Out in Pune
Welcome to Ramnagar, Pune! You’re invited to join a family day out to the park, through this graphic novel.
Supporting Urban Childhoods: Istanbul Story Strings
Follow the visual stories of ten caregivers from Istanbul, Türkiye, as they offer a glimpse into their lives and their neighbourhoods.
Supporting Urban Childhoods: Pune Story Strings
Follow the visual stories of ten caregivers from Pune, India, as they offer a glimpse into their lives and their neighbourhoods.
Research report
Supporting Urban Childhoods: Research Report
This report provides insight on supporting urban childhoods, through observations of how caregivers use public spaces in Pune and Istanbul.
Supporting Urban Childhoods
This collection builds on research to enhance our spatial understanding of how caregivers of young children use public space.
Urban95 Starter Kit
This toolkit is an excellent starting point for city leaders and urban professionals to understand the value of investing in babies, toddlers…
Policy brief
The Early Years: Parental Leave
This policy brief presents the evidence for the benefits of paid parental leave and policy solutions to promote it.
Happy Child Programme is well perceived in Brazil, despite COVID-19 pandemic
Despite the limitations imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Happy Child Programme (Criança Feliz) is positively perceived by Brazilian caregivers, who continue…
The Netherlands is ready for a reset of the childcare system
The last word has not yet been said about the childcare system in the Netherlands. Elections are approaching and many political parties…