Published works
Urban95: Management Case Studies
Management case studies
A Solid Start for Every Child: The Netherlands Integrates Medical and Social Care, 2009−2022
Management case studies
Seizing Opportunities, Strengthening Synergies: Lima Frames a Collective Strategy to Advance Early Childhood Development, 2019–2021
Management case studies
Bridging the Divide: Coalition Building for Early Childhood Development in Istanbul, 2016–2020
Management case studies
Reducing Inequality by Focusing on the Very Young: Boa Vista, Brazil, Deepens its Investment in Early Childhood Development, 2009–2016
Management case studies
City Hall Embraces Early Childhood Development: Reaching an Underserved Population in Tel Aviv, 2016-2019
Management case studies
Governing from a Child’s Perspective: Recife Works to Become Family Friendly, 2017–2019
Management case studies
Reconstructing a City in the Interests of its Children: Tirana, Albania, 2015-2019