
Boa Vista opens playgrounds in shelters for Venezuelan refugees
Early childhood-focused public spaces have been launched in three refugee shelters in Boa Vista, with coverage in local media outlet Correio do…
Children of the World
This book series offers a glimpse into the early years of children in six countries around the world.
Early Childhood Matters
Early Childhood Matters 2021
This edition explores the connection between climate change and early childhood, and why young children should be at the centre of climate…
Game as a Tool – Good Urban Planning Practices for the Early Childhood
A game that aims to get players involved in planning find solutions to problems associated with early childhood.
Free To Play Outside campaign makes air pollution in cities visible with big grey bubble
Watch out for a big grey bubble at COP26 in Glasgow in the coming days. The grey inflatable, which represents air pollution,…
Air Quality in Early Childhood
This report details the harmful effects of air pollution on children’s health and presents actions to minimise them.
New platform shares more than 600 ideas for action for companies to support young children in Brazil
The Early Childhood Guide for Companies calls for corporations of all sizes across sectors in Brazil to make changes throughout the business…
Parenting Award in Brazil promotes good home visiting practices during the pandemic
100 Brazilian home visitors have been awarded for good practices in supporting families during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Parenting: How Home Visiting Practices in Brazil Adapted to the Pandemic
These resources capture insights and stories from the Parenting Award, which recognised 100 inspiring home visitors across Brazil.
Brazil’s top TV channel shows films on early childhood
A series of short films on early childhood – Quanto mais Cedo, Maior (“the sooner, the bigger”) – has been broadcast at…
Brazil celebrates first ever Early Years Month
In August 2021, Brazil celebrated “Early Years Month” for the very first time. This same month also marked a year since the…
Brazilian platform shares inspirations for early years action in Latin America
After a call for proposals earlier this year, the Brazilian Institute of Architects (IAB) has selected more than 60 inspiring ideas focused…