
Policy brief
City Planning from the Lens of a Young Child and Caregiver
This policy advisory identifies specific practices and challenges in Indian cities and recommends specific areas of intervention for creating Infant, Toddler and…
Infant, Toddler, Caregiver-Friendly Mobility Planning Toolkit
This toolkit aims to encourage cities to prioritise mobility planning from the lens of young children and families.
ITC Centric Urban Mobility for Indian Cities
This report analyses international policies and offers recommendations towards facilitating the mobility needs of young children and caregivers.
Infant Toddler Caregiver (ITC) Master Checklist
This checklist is a guiding toolkit to assess and identify the needs of a project site with Infant, Toddler and Caregiver-friendly materials…
Early Childhood Matters
Early Childhood Matters 2022
This edition explores why behavioural science can and should be rooted in all areas of caregiving.
Parental Behaviour in the Early Years: Phase 2
A two-phase study that aims to support the Ministry of Education (MoE) and other stakeholders in their efforts to change parenting behaviours…
Increasing Caregivers’ Application of Learnings
This report summarises insights and learnings from the First Steps Big Step parenting program in Jordan and tests the effectiveness of two…
India’s Nurturing Neighbourhoods Challenge helps cities to support families
The Nurturing Neighbourhoods Challenge is a three-year initiative working with selected Indian cities to pilot and scale ways to improve urban life…
Advancing early childhood with the launch of Paalan 1000
On 16 August 2022, torrential downpours failed to deter a passionate group of people from the central Ministry of Health and Family…
Policy brief
Young Children in Crisis
A set of seven policy briefs to learn why the first years of life matter, and how to integrate solutions into existing…
Online learning exchange “Starting Strong”: Latest scientific insights on why and how we should invest in the early years
Why is investing in the early years – and especially the first 1,000 days – so important? It was with great pleasure…
Male Engagement in Early Childhood
This report examines the reality of male engagement in Early Childhood Development (ECD) in Jordan.