
Harvard executive programme on leading and scaling early childhood programmes
Demonstrating that a project benefits young children is one thing; delivering that model at scale, to benefit millions of children, presents different…
Male Engagement in Early Childhood
This report examines the reality of male engagement in Early Childhood Development (ECD) in Jordan.
Urban95: Management Case Studies
This collection of seven case studies from Princeton University documents how municipalities have prioritised their youngest residents through Urban95.
Guides to Developing Early Childhood Friendly Neighbourhoods (BAPIs)
Four publications that make up the set of guides for the development of Early Childhood Friendly Neighbourhoods (BAPIs).
Corporate Publications
Annual Report 2021
This report illustrates our impact in 2021, capturing what we achieved and what we learnt.
Policy brief
Infant, Toddler, Caregiver-Friendly Mobility for Indian Cities
This policy brief provides a set of objectives that are essential to make mobility inclusive for infants, toddlers and caregivers.
Management case studies
Supporting Parental Behavioural Change: Multichannel and Cross-Sector Campaigns in Israel
This case study zooms into the impact of campaigns to inspire parental behaviour change at scale.
Advocacy: Management Case Studies
This collection of five case studies from RAND Europe sheds light on the power of advocacy for early childhood.
Children of the World: Meet Natasha in Chile
Meet three-year-old Natasha, who was born in Venezuela, and learn about her life in Chile.
Children of the World: Meet Raghav in India
Meet four-year-old Raghav and immerse yourself in life in Pune, where he knows all his neighbours.
Children of the World: Meet Jhazmín in Peru
Meet four-year-old Jhazmín and discover what life is like in the Amazonas of Peru.
Children of the World: Meet Talison in Brazil
Meet four-year-old Talison and be moved by the life of an Afro-Brazilian family of dancers.