
How going online improved midwife and peer support for Eritrean refugee women
Vulnerable migrant groups in the Netherlands have higher-than-average rates of pregnancy and birth-related complications and maternal and infant mortality. Centering Pregnancy offers…
Corporate Publications
Annual Report 2021
This report illustrates our impact in 2021, capturing what we achieved and what we learnt.
Policy brief
Infant, Toddler, Caregiver-Friendly Mobility for Indian Cities
This policy brief provides a set of objectives that are essential to make mobility inclusive for infants, toddlers and caregivers.
Management case studies
Supporting Parental Behavioural Change: Multichannel and Cross-Sector Campaigns in Israel
This case study zooms into the impact of campaigns to inspire parental behaviour change at scale.
Advocacy: Management Case Studies
This collection of five case studies from RAND Europe sheds light on the power of advocacy for early childhood.
Nurturing Neighbourhoods Challenge: Stories from the Field
This report spotlights 25 cities in India that have improved the quality of life of their youngest residents and their caregivers.
Early Childhood Matters
Early Childhood Matters 2021
This edition explores the connection between climate change and early childhood, and why young children should be at the centre of climate…
Management case studies
Seizing Opportunities, Strengthening Synergies: Lima Frames a Collective Strategy to Advance Early Childhood Development, 2019–2021
This case study illustrates how the Mayor of Lima led an ambitious effort to advance early childhood development.
Early Years Starter Kit
This toolkit combines extensive ideas and guidance for taking early years action at the municipal and national level.
Management case studies
Advocacy Efforts in Brazil to Extend the Recognition of Children’s Rights in Early Childhood
This case study analyses how years of civil society advocacy contributed to major legislative change.
Early Childhood Programmes: Management Case Studies
This collection of six case studies from the Harvard Kennedy School shares lessons on how to scale early childhood programmes.
Management case studies
By Design Part Two: The Thinking Behind Uruguay Crece Contigo
This case study continues to explore the differences in policymaking decisions around early childhood between Uruguay and Chile.