
Policy brief
How to Support Families in a Pandemic
We produced three briefs on ways to limit the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on babies, toddlers and those who care for…
Policy brief
The Early Years: An Introduction
This two-page policy brief offers a succinct introduction to the early years.
Policy brief
The Early Years: Mental Health in Humanitarian Crises
This policy brief documents what we know, why it matters, and what policymakers can do to support mental health in humanitarian crises.
Policy brief
The Early Years: Maternal Mental Health
This policy brief captures what we know, why it matters, and what policymakers can do to support maternal mental health.
Policy brief
The Early Years: Malnutrition
This policy brief explains how early malnutrition leads to lifelong issues, both individual and collective, and what policymakers need to do.
Policy brief
The Early Years: Behavioural Science
This policy brief sets out the key steps for designing and implementing an intervention that rigorously applies behavioural science methods.
Policy brief
The Early Years: Breastfeeding
This policy brief explains the importance of breastfeeding, the barriers mothers face, and what policymakers can do to help.
The Early Years: Policy Briefs
This collection of eight policy briefs explains some of the greatest challenges facing young children around the world.
Clean Air Fund launched to address global air pollution crisis
The Clean Air Fund, a new philanthropic initiative, has launched to address the global outdoor air pollution crisis that is responsible for…
Playground Ideas for 0-3 Years
This toolkit shares practical ideas for designing playgrounds that work for children aged 0-3 and their caregivers.
Early Childhood Matters
Early Childhood Matters 2019
This edition covers a diversity of topics relevant for young children and their caregivers, from nutrition to street design to mobile technology.
The City at Eye Level for Kids
This book offers comprehensive and inspiring stories on how to make urban development work for young children and their families.