
Air Quality in Early Childhood
This report details the harmful effects of air pollution on children’s health and presents actions to minimise them.
Parenting: How Home Visiting Practices in Brazil Adapted to the Pandemic
These resources capture insights and stories from the Parenting Award, which recognised 100 inspiring home visitors across Brazil.
Why clean air is vital for babies and toddlers, and society as a whole
If you could experience your city from an elevation of 95 cm – the average height of a three-year-old – what would…
Transit-Oriented Development: How to Make Inclusive Cities
This guide introduces the transit-oriented development approach and explores best practices in using its key principles.
Policy brief
Child and Caregiver Mental Health: Using Data to Make Progress
This policy brief captures what we currently know (and what we do not) about the mental health of children and their caregivers.
The critical link between early childhood development and a parent’s mental health
The mental health of mothers, fathers and other caregivers is critical for a child’s development, especially in the earliest years. From birth…
Countdown Global Mental Health 2030: Using Data to Inform Action
This report sets the vision to provide the first independent, multi-stakeholder monitoring and accountability collaboration for mental health.
Management case studies
Seizing Opportunities, Strengthening Synergies: Lima Frames a Collective Strategy to Advance Early Childhood Development, 2019–2021
This case study illustrates how the Mayor of Lima led an ambitious effort to advance early childhood development.
Early Years Starter Kit
This toolkit combines extensive ideas and guidance for taking early years action at the municipal and national level.
Discover my world by bike
I have been a cycling activist for eight years. For the last three of those years I have also been a mother,…
Policy brief
The Early Years: Air Pollution
This policy brief captures what we know, why it matters, and what policymakers can do about air pollution.
Early Childhood Programmes: Management Case Studies
This collection of six case studies from the Harvard Kennedy School shares lessons on how to scale early childhood programmes.