
Early Childhood Matters
Early Childhood Matters 2020
This edition gathers global leaders and experts calling for prioritisation of young children, families and frontline workers amid COVID-19.
Research report
State of the Young Child in India
This is one of the first comprehensive studies on young children in India, aimed at practitioners, policymakers, influencers and researchers.
Cities for Play and Sitting: A Shift in Perspective to Public Space
This report presents a step-by-step process of intervention in the public space in the cities of Griesheim and Brühl.
Management case studies
Working to Support Policy Change Through an Advocacy Coalition in Israel
This case study highlights how coalition-led advocacy achieved several significant policy changes.
Management case studies
Efforts to Support the Extension of Birth Leave in the Netherlands
This case study details the collective action that brought about policy change on paid birth leave.
5 key takeaways from the Urban95 Festival
On December 2, 2019, over seventy city leaders, planners, designers and thinkers from around the world committed to making cities better for…
Policy brief
The Early Years: An Introduction
This two-page policy brief offers a succinct introduction to the early years.
Policy brief
The Early Years: Mental Health in Humanitarian Crises
This policy brief documents what we know, why it matters, and what policymakers can do to support mental health in humanitarian crises.
Policy brief
The Early Years: Maternal Mental Health
This policy brief captures what we know, why it matters, and what policymakers can do to support maternal mental health.
Policy brief
The Early Years: Malnutrition
This policy brief explains how early malnutrition leads to lifelong issues, both individual and collective, and what policymakers need to do.
Policy brief
The Early Years: Behavioural Science
This policy brief sets out the key steps for designing and implementing an intervention that rigorously applies behavioural science methods.
Policy brief
The Early Years: Breastfeeding
This policy brief explains the importance of breastfeeding, the barriers mothers face, and what policymakers can do to help.